
+1 800-438-8990

Plusieurs scientifique qui procède à des analyses d'échantillons de qualité de l'air


Because everyone deserves clean air

Today, more than ever, having the condition of the interior air quality (IAQ) and building materials assessed has become an essential step contributing to the preservation of the sanitary conditions of buildings as well as maintaining the good health of the people who occupy them.

Our Specialties

Air Quality Analysis

750 types of analysis

Material and Surface Analysis

Health & Security At Work

Industrial Hygiene

Our services

Assessment expertise in air & material sampling

The assessment of indoor air quality (IAQ) and the characterization of building materials are our main areas of expertise.

AIRTESTS MATTESTS deploys technicians specialized in air sampling for molds, bacteria, dust and gases. Our technicians sample building materials in indoor environments for asbestos. The goal is to determine the source and know the nature of it, namely whether these contaminants represent a risk factor. You will be able to know if the found contaminants are pathogen, toxic, cancerogenic or hopefully not harmful at all.

Image d'un morceau de bois humique qui sera bientôt atteint de moisissure

Industrial, Commercial & Institutional

The most requested services in commercial and institutional sectors are related to Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) testing for molds, spores, fungi, yeasts and bacteria.

In the industrial and transportation sectors, the most requested services are related to the research of airborne dust and a variety of gases. In total, more than 750 different types of analysis are offered. In the field of Asbestos characterization; our technicians travel to different sites in order to characterize materials likely to contain asbestos (MLCA) in buildings to be bought, sold, renovated or to be torn down.

Batiment en rénovation dans lequel on retrouve beaucoup de moisissures

Diagnostic based on post-laboratory analysis report

AIRTESTS MATTESTS environmental expertise in indoor environments makes it possible to carry out a diagnostic on a wide range of workplaces building: industries, shops, public institutions, commercial buildings, transport and all type of industrial buildings.

Following the issuance of the analysis report and depending on the results obtained, AIRTESTS MATTESTS will indicate the steps to be followed in order to remedy the situation which affects the integrity of the indoor environment and/or the quality of life of its occupants.

Deux inspecteurs d'hygiène industrielle qui discutent lors d'une inspection


Ready to Begin the Testing Process?

We invite you to contact one of our experts for a quote or more information.